Symbols, Signs & Sigils

A fundamental wiccan belief is that once something is written down it has the greatest power and has a higher degree of success. This is because once it is written down it is not just a thought in your head that you can forget about later, it is in front of you, you are looking at it which makes it real. This belief is why most wiccan’s keep track of everything that they do in a book known as the Book of Shadows, each one is specific to its practitioners and makes thoughts real.

As wicca has become amalgamation of many different pagan practices, there are many different symbols from all of those practices being used. Here mention a few of the most common wiccan symbols and signs, after that going into a little bit of the practice sigils because they work a little bit differently.

The five pointed star in a circle each point for one of the five elements. Said to represent the universe, all aspects of the world representing the one divine. A protective symbol. An upright pentacle represents the victory of spirit over matter and earthy desires.

Triple Goddess
Represents the Goddess and also the phases of the moon, which also gives it the name Triple Moon. Invites women to celebrate every part stage in the their lives. 
Horned God

Represents the perfect union of the divine and the animalistic or nature. Counterpart to the Triple Goddess, represents the three stages of the Horned God.

Ancient Yonic symbol of the Goddess, still used to represent the three states of the Goddess. Also supposed to represent the three levels of existence; mind, body, and soul/spirit. A third concept is that it represents the domain of the earth, sea and sky. 

Magick Knot

A symbol of protection also known as the Witch’s knot or charm. Being able to draw it a continuous line is thought to be why it’s so effective, as it increases it’s power. Used to bind things magickal, but also to draw magical circle. Drawn over doorways to prevent negative energy from getting in.

Here some of the websites I used for research during this post. They include way more historical detail on each of the symbols mentioned above but also showcase symbols and signs that I did not cover.

Ancient Symbols
7 important wiccan symbols + meanings
more on symbols
even more

Sigils in the simplest form are a specific symbol written down to bring energy to a specific area of one's life. Well Symbols can have more of a broader meaning, sigils are used to pinpoint areas in life.

Like personally, I tend to write certain symbols on my hands to bring the energy directly towards me.
Paper will do this, there are just some I like to have with me as a constant. The two sigils that I most commonly use are these two. The first being for my mental health to remind me that I am happy in my mental state because sometimes my head doesn’t like me. The second being to encourage improvement of my writing skills, as I writer I find it rather helpful to have.

There sigils for basically everything and are very simple for beginner practitioners. Just Look Here For Ideas

Again this is just a brief overview on the topic but I hope informative, and maybe you even found some that you can use in your life because these symbols are not exclusive to wiccan’s.

Blessed Be.


  1. Great job on your blog this week. I have never learnt about any of these things so it was cool to learn something new through your blog! I like how you explained what all the symbols mean and put a picture of it beside it. My question for you is how long have you been interested in these sorts of stuff?

    1. My interest began at a young age because I really liked Greek mythology, but I really started getting into at the begin of high school when I realized I wasn't crazy and other people believe similar things to me. That's really were it started.

  2. I always find it fascinating to learn about new things like these, and it was a great idea to include the ways in which you personally use some of the symbols. I'd like to hear some detail about how this has influenced your writing. Does it matter what the symbols are written with? Does it change anything if it's written with ink or graphite?

    1. To answer your questions no, the symbols just need to be accurate to channel the energy and should be kept with the caster or the person it is meant for.
      I find that having the sigil on my hand makes it easier for me to write and I get writer block a lot less. The ideas are clearer in mind and easier to find details as I write. It's weird to explain but it really does help.

  3. I think that it is interesting reading about different symbols. Especially since a lot of them are found in other cultures and practices and they have different meanings. I know the Triquetra is big in Celtic culture of Scotland as well. My question is how long did it take for you to learn how to perfectly draw the symbols, also does it take some time to draw them all out?

    1. My visual art skills are very lacking, but if you put a picture in front of me I can copy it near perfectly my first try. So learning to draw them, for me, was very easy. If I place all of the sigils down then it will take me a while but I couldn't give a precise time.

  4. The symbols and sigils are something that I've been starting to look into recently, so this is really helpful. I'm learning more from this blog then I did from the person who was trying to teach me. Is there any tips you could give to make learning the symbols and sigils a little bit easier? My art skills are lacking and this looks really artsy.

    1. Well thanks, glad I could help. As for tips practice makes perfect, seriously that's the only way to get better. Maybe try working on the sigil my breaking it down into parts. That and find symbols that connect with you, you know it will be important because you'll be drawn to it.


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