
Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy Yule!

In honor of the solstice and the celebration of the returning of the light with the birth of a new sun. I have decided to dedicate this week to showcasing some rituals used for the upcoming celebration of Yule. Now as previously mentioned this is the date that had been chose to celebrate the birth of Christ in Catholicism. But this time of year is sacred to many people including the Jewish for their festival of lights otherwise known as Hanuka, there is also Kwanzaa and I’m sure others that I am not aware of. Anyway I thought I’d take a moment to showcase some of the traditions for this time of year and put down a common ritual that us Wiccan’s use. Date: December 21st Houses are decorated with evergreen wreaths, holly and ivy. These plants symbols death, and protect against the winter spirits that might want to do one wrong. Well also representing rebirth and Kindle lights are lite to represent the sun, turn them off to enjoy the night and relight them to show the rebirth of the s...

Symbols, Signs & Sigils

A fundamental wiccan belief is that once something is written down it has the greatest power and has a higher degree of success. This is because once it is written down it is not just a thought in your head that you can forget about later, it is in front of you, you are looking at it which makes it real. This belief is why most wiccan’s keep track of everything that they do in a book known as the Book of Shadows, each one is specific to its practitioners and makes thoughts real. As wicca has become amalgamation of many different pagan practices, there are many different symbols from all of those practices being used. Here mention a few of the most common wiccan symbols and signs, after that going into a little bit of the practice sigils because they work a little bit differently. Pentacle The five pointed star in a circle each point for one of the five elements. Said to represent the universe, all aspects of the world representing the one divine. A protective symbol. An upright pent...

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade As with any religious practice there are certain tools that become sacred for rituals and everyday practices such as rosaries, talmud's, sacred books, etc. In Wicca, tools used for everyday practices become even more important during special times of the year. Here is a short list of the most common tools used by Wiccan’s on a day to day basis (when they have financial security to do so, because some of them can be expensive). A Wand Simple Wand w/o Decorations Used to focus energy  Used to charge crystals/stones Decorate with symbols, jewels/crystals (amplify power)  Represents power, magick & transformation  The Cauldron Symbol of the womb  Associated with wisdom, death, & rebirth  Linked with the triple Goddess Usually cast iron to burn herbs & incense, create magickal brews The Athame Simple Athame  Represents mind, thought and choice  Magickal knife used to direct power  Not to cut any...