Wheel Of the Year
Alright part two, let’s pick up right where we left off. Beltane : May 1 Another Celtic fire festival, also known May Day. One of the most well known celebrations of the year. When the earth’s power is strongest, sense of fun and passion to celebration - return of summer. The marking of life as well as the unity involved. Deities: Bel Colours: Green & white Herbs: Rosemary & vanilla Decorations: Rowan, maypoles, ribbons, candles The union of the God (sky) and Goddess (earth). So many Wicca marriages, known as Handfastings, will happen at this time. Maypoles are used, decorated with flowers to symbolize the God and Goddess. Belfires are lit for protection and jumped over for luck. Here is an article that highlights many traditions of the sabbat. May Pole Litha : June 21-22 (Mid-summer, Summer Solstice) Celebration of the longest day & shortest night. Turning point - the goddess in pregnant & flourishing, the earth is bathed in light for short time. Dei...