Let's Start with Explanations

Background & Basics

Wicca is, by most definitions, a modern form of paganism. Taking concepts and ideas from polytheistic religions of the ancient world with, to my knowledge, no blood sacrifices. Most wiccans won’t hurt an animal and modern day grocery stores have all the ingredients needed for spells and rituals. The idea that any form of cruelty is a misconception.

If asked I would describe Wicca as the belief in the energies and power of the earth.

This religion began in mid 20th century and can be considered, because of some practices, New Age. The practice is polytheistic with many Gods, Goddess, and deities for a many wide array of topics.

Mainly it follows two deities known as the Great Goddess; the embodiment of females and the moon and the Horned God; the equal and opposite of the Goddess, representation of man and the life cycle. Together they create a duotheistic base to the practice. These two are very important to the religion as the season changes tell their story through the ‘Wheel of the Year’.
Goddess & God Symbol

The ‘Wheel of the Year’ is broken into eight seasons beginning with Imbolc in February and ends with Yule in December. Many changes actually a line with well known holidays in the year as, historically, they were taken from the pagans. For example Samhain or Halloween in October and Litha, the summer solstice.

These times of the year have special energies along with specific days among the lunar and solar cycles. Wiccans harnish these energies for spells to push into areas of life they feel need more positivity. Using plants, common kitchen ingredients and the five basic elements (yes it’s five) along with tools and symbols.

There are also other practices used to harnish for these energies such as crystals and tarot cards also aura readings and dream analysis. These are other practices don’t have to be used and can be used for people outside the belief practice.

Having the basics of basics covered there are some misconceptions that I have to cover. One was mentioned early which leads into what the biggest things people don’t know: Wicca is not black magic.

Black magic refers to areas such as witchcraft or satanism. These rumors started with, well, history; the concept of paganism was normal until Roman Empire Constantine dubbed Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. It’s a part of history that this happened which caused the Christians to treat the pagans as they were treated which in short was horrible (Thanks World religion class for this information). Even the idea of the Devil was created to have an antagonist to show people how good God/heaven was.

So most of the derogatorily ideals and labels such as pagan and witch began then, I mean no disrespect in stating this. Wiccan's don't even believe in the devil/satan.

And Well Me

Having said all this, it will come to no surprise that I, myself dear reader am Wiccan and have been been for a while. Having the core values a line with thought process that I’ve had since I was little, I’ve found a home here with ideals such as respecting all living things. I even began learning the practice of tarot readings.

Although happy where I am I do not publically announce this part of my life because of an incident a few years ago. When people ask I happily explain, though.

And I hope to provide some information that will expand people's mind not just about wicca but of the energies and magic of the earth.

Blessed Be.


Yep, sums it up.


  1. This is a really cool blog, Dani. You've picked an astoundingly unique topic, and it captivated my interest very easily. As a small suggestion, proofread your blog once or twice for minor spelling errors, and some inconclusive sentences. Did anything else prompt you to become a Wiccan other than just having the core values?

    1. Thank you and sorry, even if a computer I can't spell to save my life. Better editing is on the list. And um, as far as what pushed me the core values were really it. Since I was little I've believed in the magic of the earth and effects everything.

  2. I enjoy the use of the pictures to explain your text. I also really like the lay out of your site, it looks very much like what one would assume wiccan setting to be, with the trees and the dark blues.
    I found that there were times when I had to re-read a few of your sentences because they were worded in a confusing way. As well, as a non-wiccan there are a lot of things that I don't understand; such as, when you said there were 5 elements but then did not expand on that or when talking about different forms of things like polytheistic religion, I do not know what that is. My suggestion would be to expand on your terms for us laymen.
    What made you decide that you wanted to follow the wiccan faith?

    1. I appreciate the feedback and will work on all of it, I guess there just some things I take for granted when it comes to terms but I'll work on it. My decision was really in finding my own beliefs placed into words that weren't just mine, they were others as well.

  3. I absolutely love the way you explained this to people Dani. I also don't usually make public that I am Wiccan because of the stigma that follows close behind. I do agree with Thomas and Andi that some wording was confusing and I had to re-read some lines to understand what you were saying. All together though I do really like the layout because it sections everything off to give you a clear understanding of what you were writing about. I'm not as well-versed or have as much knowledge of the faith that you seem to have, so could you maybe post on some of the specifics such as the special dates during the seasons? I know that I would love to find out more to get a better grasp on Wicca.

    1. Thank you and don't worry I will be posting about the calendar at some point but I have a few other things I feel I need cover before that. It's a pleasure to have sibling in my faith to talk with and I hope I can provide some information with my small grasp of the ideals.

  4. First of all, your blog theme is really cool-I really liked your layout, and the amount of images you used to convey what you were explaining. I also really liked how you separated your explanation of Wicca and introducing yourself, because it made it easy to read!
    As far as criticism goes, you could really make use of some embedded links, especially when talking about polytheism and such, as I'm sure many people would love an elaboration on it. And I agree, it would be very helpful to proofread your works a few times before posting.
    Overall, it's very interesting! I'm excited to read more : )

    1. Thank you and I will be working on all of the things you say, the transfer from google docs didn't go so well, so I just have to be more careful.

  5. I thought the idea of your blog was original and unique. I never knew a lot about wiccans or the history of it until reading your piece. You had a mature voice in your writing but wasn't too mature that a reader like me would think this was written by someone much older. my suggestion is to add links and make the blog more interactive. You could add links to other websites that discuss more on what wiccan culture is. Will you talk about more about how your a wiccan in these blogs and what kind of life you live because of it?

    1. Wow, thanks I honestly didn't think it sounded like that. And as far as my life goes, maybe it's kinda a hard to explain for many reasons but I will get into detail about that later in the blog.

  6. This is a really interesting topic and I've never really known much about Wicca until reading. I like how factual and structured this is as well as how organized your points are. The only thing I noticed is that your language was a little too complex in some instances. I had a hard time reading while trying to research the definitions of certain words. Maybe add a brief explanation of some words like "polytheistic" for simple minds like mine aha. I would like to read more and see what kind of topics you will come up with on the subject.

    1. Feedback had been noted and will be worked on in the future. Thank you for letting me know I'm glad you find it interesting.


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