
Showing posts from September, 2017

The FIVE Elements

Wicca Elements Yes, it is five. I know it's confusing but it is five. If I asked you what the basic elements are there is a very high chance that you know what most of them are. Which means you're answer is probably something along the lines of earth, water, fire, and air. (We're gonna go all Avatar: The Last Air bender in this.) And that is completely right but the one that people usually forget is spirit or  aether . The way that I like to describe spirit is that it's the light and dark energy inside of someone or something. And this important because these elements are the base to most spells, rituals, and celebrations. They're part of everyone's day to day lives and are constantly working together. Which is shown through the symbol of the pentacle. (And yes it is a pentacle not pentagram, but that's an issue for another day.) Each element has specific meanings, both emotional and physical, and uses. It’s crucial to understand the elements a...

Let's Start with Explanations

Background & Basics Wicca is, by most definitions, a modern form of paganism. Taking concepts and ideas from polytheistic religions of the ancient world with, to my knowledge, no blood sacrifices. Most wiccans won’t hurt an animal and modern day grocery stores have all the ingredients needed for spells and rituals. The idea that any form of cruelty is a misconception. If asked I would describe Wicca as the belief in the energies and power of the earth. This religion began in mid 20th century and can be considered, because of some practices, New Age. The practice is polytheistic with many Gods, Goddess, and deities for a many wide array of topics. Mainly it follows two deities known as the Great Goddess; the embodiment of females and the moon and the Horned God; the equal and opposite of the Goddess, representation of man and the life cycle. Together they create a duotheistic base to the practice. These two are very important to the religion as the season changes tell thei...