
Spell Casting

Spell casting is an essential to Wicca as it is the main form of how we connect with the world and ask the deities for assistance in our everyday lives. A spell is cast to help one in reaching a goal - this goal can be anything you want. There are proper ways to cast spells (which I will be going over) but also simple ways to do so that don't involve all of the steps. My personal favourite simple spell just needs an apple. Anywho here is how a spell is cast: First one needs to prepare the spell. Know the spell (whether you have written it yourself or found one online), prepare its ingredients/tools, make sure the timing is correct and purify the space that you wish to use. Purification in an option but I would suggests at least cleaning the area so that you have no distractions. Stack image of a useful book I own Distractions are a big no - one needs to focus all their energy at this time. One needs to be in a good state of mind to conduct te spell and must not wo...

Connecting with the World

I wasn't really sure how to title this entry because it's very difficult to explain what it that I'm going to share in any other words then ones I used, and 'Wiccan Practices' didn't really feel right either. So I'm just going to leave it there. This week I'm going to cover the practices that Wiccan will use to connect even further with worlds constant change in energy on an even more intimate level. These practices allow those wishing to connect with the world in tune themselves with tools that help them understand the constant energy change. Crystal Healings, Dream analysis, Aura and Tarot Card readings are basically focusing in on the energy of one specific thing to understand (in some ways) what is happening to her/him/them/it. I myself am learning the art of Tarot reading in my spare time, I’m not the best reader but I do have a grasp on the basic concepts enough to do readings. Here I’m just going to break down what these practices do and how...

Happy Yule!

In honor of the solstice and the celebration of the returning of the light with the birth of a new sun. I have decided to dedicate this week to showcasing some rituals used for the upcoming celebration of Yule. Now as previously mentioned this is the date that had been chose to celebrate the birth of Christ in Catholicism. But this time of year is sacred to many people including the Jewish for their festival of lights otherwise known as Hanuka, there is also Kwanzaa and I’m sure others that I am not aware of. Anyway I thought I’d take a moment to showcase some of the traditions for this time of year and put down a common ritual that us Wiccan’s use. Date: December 21st Houses are decorated with evergreen wreaths, holly and ivy. These plants symbols death, and protect against the winter spirits that might want to do one wrong. Well also representing rebirth and Kindle lights are lite to represent the sun, turn them off to enjoy the night and relight them to show the rebirth of the s...

Symbols, Signs & Sigils

A fundamental wiccan belief is that once something is written down it has the greatest power and has a higher degree of success. This is because once it is written down it is not just a thought in your head that you can forget about later, it is in front of you, you are looking at it which makes it real. This belief is why most wiccan’s keep track of everything that they do in a book known as the Book of Shadows, each one is specific to its practitioners and makes thoughts real. As wicca has become amalgamation of many different pagan practices, there are many different symbols from all of those practices being used. Here mention a few of the most common wiccan symbols and signs, after that going into a little bit of the practice sigils because they work a little bit differently. Pentacle The five pointed star in a circle each point for one of the five elements. Said to represent the universe, all aspects of the world representing the one divine. A protective symbol. An upright pent...

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade As with any religious practice there are certain tools that become sacred for rituals and everyday practices such as rosaries, talmud's, sacred books, etc. In Wicca, tools used for everyday practices become even more important during special times of the year. Here is a short list of the most common tools used by Wiccan’s on a day to day basis (when they have financial security to do so, because some of them can be expensive). A Wand Simple Wand w/o Decorations Used to focus energy  Used to charge crystals/stones Decorate with symbols, jewels/crystals (amplify power)  Represents power, magick & transformation  The Cauldron Symbol of the womb  Associated with wisdom, death, & rebirth  Linked with the triple Goddess Usually cast iron to burn herbs & incense, create magickal brews The Athame Simple Athame  Represents mind, thought and choice  Magickal knife used to direct power  Not to cut any...

Wheel Of the Year

Alright part two, let’s pick up right where we left off. Beltane : May 1  Another Celtic fire festival, also known May Day. One of the most well known celebrations of the year. When the earth’s power is strongest, sense of fun and passion to celebration - return of summer. The marking of life as well as the unity involved. Deities: Bel Colours: Green & white Herbs: Rosemary & vanilla Decorations: Rowan, maypoles, ribbons, candles The union of the God (sky) and Goddess (earth). So many Wicca marriages, known as Handfastings, will happen at this time. Maypoles are used, decorated with flowers to symbolize the God and Goddess. Belfires are lit for protection and jumped over for luck. Here is an article that highlights many traditions of the sabbat. May Pole Litha : June 21-22 (Mid-summer, Summer Solstice) Celebration of the longest day & shortest night. Turning point - the goddess in pregnant & flourishing, the earth is bathed in light for short time. Dei...

Wheel of the Year

Part 1 This is one that’s going to take a while but I’m super excited about. The Wheel of the Year. I had to put this off because of a few reasons; one because the season is then associated with deities that are strongest during these times and second, these deities associated with elements, herbs, colours and so on. So things can get a bit complicated For example the Lady Isis is associated with water and Shiva with fire, but funny enough they're both related to the moon. So as you can see things begin to overlap which is one of the confusing things to those who aren’t used to this. The Wheel of the Year is the Wiccan’s calendar which marks important dates in year when the environment changes the most. As Wiccan beliefs are weighed heavily in the earth noticing the world's changes and understand it is very important because once you do, it's like you can feel the energy shift in nature all the time. So the Wheel is made up of eight sabbats, which is just ...