
Showing posts from January, 2018

Spell Casting

Spell casting is an essential to Wicca as it is the main form of how we connect with the world and ask the deities for assistance in our everyday lives. A spell is cast to help one in reaching a goal - this goal can be anything you want. There are proper ways to cast spells (which I will be going over) but also simple ways to do so that don't involve all of the steps. My personal favourite simple spell just needs an apple. Anywho here is how a spell is cast: First one needs to prepare the spell. Know the spell (whether you have written it yourself or found one online), prepare its ingredients/tools, make sure the timing is correct and purify the space that you wish to use. Purification in an option but I would suggests at least cleaning the area so that you have no distractions. Stack image of a useful book I own Distractions are a big no - one needs to focus all their energy at this time. One needs to be in a good state of mind to conduct te spell and must not wo...

Connecting with the World

I wasn't really sure how to title this entry because it's very difficult to explain what it that I'm going to share in any other words then ones I used, and 'Wiccan Practices' didn't really feel right either. So I'm just going to leave it there. This week I'm going to cover the practices that Wiccan will use to connect even further with worlds constant change in energy on an even more intimate level. These practices allow those wishing to connect with the world in tune themselves with tools that help them understand the constant energy change. Crystal Healings, Dream analysis, Aura and Tarot Card readings are basically focusing in on the energy of one specific thing to understand (in some ways) what is happening to her/him/them/it. I myself am learning the art of Tarot reading in my spare time, I’m not the best reader but I do have a grasp on the basic concepts enough to do readings. Here I’m just going to break down what these practices do and how...